How to Clean your Eyeglasses
For this project we are asked to make a video to instruct somebody to do a task. I am randomly assigned to the “clean eyeglasses” group.
Preparation for my video:
Before I actually shoot the video, I need to know the best way to clean the eyeglasses so that my video is showing them the most effective way. In order to know my procedures I did a little research online, here is what I concluded from multiple YouTube channels:
- Wash hands thoroughly to remove grease between fingers.
- Rinse eyeglasses with warm water to remove dust on lenses.
- Put dish soap on both sides of lenses and massage in circular motion using fingers.
- Rinse eyeglasses again without touching the lenses so there is no fingerprints left on the lenses.
- Tap the eyeglasses on the lap so that the big water drops can leave the surface of the lenses.
- use an air blower to air dry the small water drops on the lenses.
After I know the procedures, I made a storyboard to illustrate my procedures. First I start with planning on different scenes that I want to shoot. I planned the way I want to show my instructions using some kind of story telling method
After I planned my storyboard, I received comments and feedback from professors and classmates.
It seems that adding my facial expressions does not help with the instructions, and the scenes in the beginning with the wrong methods is also interfering with my goal. So I choose to delete these and focus on my instructions. Also it is too much of an effort to use an air blower to air dry the glasses if people are not at their homes, so I choose to use my mouth to blow dry the lenses instead of an air blower. The soap I used was the soap box we have at school restrooms, which it is hard to tell that it is what kind of soap because there is no description on the box. So that I bought a bottle of dish soap at Entropy, which has a pretty neat blue color.
For my first video, I tried to shoot my 1st scene the same way I take the 1st picture in my story board, but then I figure that it is hard to capture the dirtiness of the lenses. Instead of having the glasses on the table in the first scene, I choose to switch to having the glasses on my face first, then I will take the glasses off. Also I want to show a 1st person perspective, that I have the camera in front of me first, and then go around me to the side to create a first person impression. Since I have so many sounds in my video like water soup, the opening of the soap cap, and blowing sound, I wanted to create an “ASMR” type video. To make more sounds, I chose to “drop” the soap bottle on the counter top and pour the soap hard on the surface of the lenses to create sound.
Feedback from others
Everything looks good as a first attempt to the task. But towards the end the scene where I blow the glasses, the background seems chaotic, which should be improved.
At first for my 2nd video I only edited the end scene so that the background is a little more organized.
Feedback from others
Apparently the way I handle the lenses and how I “smashed” the soap bottle onto the counter top didn’t show enough caring for the glasses. Also how my beginning and ending are so slow makes it feels unprofessional. The way I blow the glasses seems unprofessional too, makes people wonder if this truly works. Some parts of the video is too quick, some part too slow, makes the instructions confusing. So I responded to the feedback I received, and starts to think about my draft for my final video.
For my 3rd attempt I re-planned and re-shoot the whole video. I made the beginning and ending shorter, made the motion of the soap appearing in the scene smoother, and changed from air blow drying to glasses cloth drying.
Feedback from professor
Apparently my hand is blocking the vision for several times throughout the video making the instructions unclear. Also the background is slightly tilted which is distracting. I also didn’t show enough details during each procedure-Did I apply soap to both sides? Did I rinse both sides of the lenses? I will need to improve these parts for my final video.